July 25, 2022

Your First Therapy Session: Tips to Prepare



So you made your first appointment with your therapist. Congratulations! But now you’re wondering how to prepare for your first session? This blog post will explain how you can prepare for your first session. Let’s get started.

Intake & Paperwork

To help your therapist prepare for the session, you want to complete all the intake documents before your first session. This will allow your therapist to verify your insurance, become aware of what brings you to therapy, and schedule your session on time.

Dealing with Nervousness

Being nervous is a normal feeling when starting therapy. I often remind my clients that I was also nervous about meeting my therapist for the first time. Unfortunately, sometimes clients give into their anxiety and cancel their first appointment. If you feel this way, I encourage you to push through this anxiety and make it to your appointment. You will feel better afterward. 

The Mind Reading Myth

Someone once told me, “you must know what I am thinking right now.” I soon realized that this individual thought I could read their mind’s content. While misunderstandings can happen, remember that your therapist is also a human with no such ability. 

Common Topics Explored in First Session

What brings you to therapy is the most common question for new clients. To answer this, you might want to think about the following questions beforehand. 

  • What am I experiencing daily? 
  • How am I feeling most of the time? 
  • What struggles am I facing at the moment?
  • What areas of my life do I hope to improve? 

What to Expect from the Initial Session

Your initial session is focused on getting to know you and your circumstances. It takes more than one session to gather client history, and your therapist may end the session before giving you any techniques or more profound insight. This is normal since your therapist is still learning about you.

Ask Questions

Ask questions as much as you can. Therapy is a two-way street. Some clients do not ask questions from their therapist for fear of disrespecting them. But to get the most out of therapy, it is commonly encouraged that you would be curious and inquisitive.

Arrive on Time

Arrive a few minutes early to avoid last minutes surprises. My office is near train track, and sometimes my new clients are stuck on the other side of the train track. Arriving early for your session can also reduce anxiety and fluster.

Therapy is the best gift one can offer oneself and their loved ones. The chance to explore our hardships, questions, and stressors on a neutral ground can be liberating and transformative.

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