Save time, schedule online

Sign in to your Panahi Counseling client portal to manage appointments, book new sessions, and access your billing history effortlessly. Our secure and user-friendly online platform streamlines communication with your therapist, saving you time and hassle.


You have ultimate flexibility with the ability to schedule appointments up to two weeks in advance. Our 24/7 accessible portal allows you to conveniently choose from all available time slots.


However, if you encounter any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact your therapist directly by calling (630) 447-8818 and selecting their extension number.

How to Schedule an appointment

Get Started

1. Click on the "Request Appointment" button above to get started.

Check Inbox

2. Check your email inbox for an email titled "client portal" then click "Sign In".

Pick a Date

3. Select "Request Appointment" to view available date and time.


4. Submit your request and wait for a confirmation email sent to you.

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